Cannabis in Maryland

Maryland legalized medical cannabis in 2014, but the first dispensary didn’t open for patients to access it until 2017. The state’s medical marijuana program has experienced many delays over the years.

Most recently, a Montgomery County judge issued a temporary restraining order against the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission’s license expansion process, which was mandated under a 2018 law to increase the number of minority groups awarded licenses during the original licensing period. More than 200 applications were submitted for the four available cultivation and 10 available processing licenses.

The restraining order was the result of allegations that some high-ranking applicants gave ownership to non-white individuals who would not have a say in how the businesses would operate in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage. As a result, the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission launched two investigations that further delayed the application process.

Overview of Key Maryland Cannabis Laws

Is medical cannabis allowed? Yes

Is adult-use cannabis allowed? No

Personal Laws

Possession of less than 10 grams of cannabis is penalized as a civil offense in Maryland with no incarceration and just a $100 fine. Possession of 10 grams to 50 pounds of cannabis is treated as a misdemeanor with up to one year in prison and a maximum fine of $1,000. Possession of 50 pounds or more is considered a felony.

Registered patients are required to purchase medical cannabis at a licensed dispensary. Originally, there would be a total of 94 dispensaries with two in each of the 47 legislative districts. Patients may identify a maximum of two caregivers who must register and obtain ID cards from the Maryland Cannabis Commission.

Personal Possession

Overall Possession: Up to 120 grams of medical cannabis in a 30-day period

Extract Possession: Up to 36 grams of medical cannabis extract per 30-day supply

Non-Maryland Resident Possession: None

Personal Growing

Personal growing of cannabis is not allowed in Maryland.

Registered Medical Patient Growing: None

Registered Caregiver Growing: None

Medical Cannabis Patient Qualification and Registry

Patients are required to register as a medical cannabis patient ($200) and may obtain a patient ID card (optional) for $50. However, if law enforcement conducts a search of a patient and finds medical cannabis, the patient can present their patient ID card to show they are a legal patient. Alternately, patients can direct law enforcement to the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission database to verify their registration.

Patients must have a qualifying condition and receive a medical cannabis certification from a registered provider. Doctors, dentists, podiatrists, nurses, midwives, and nurse practitioners can register as medical cannabis providers in Maryland.

Qualifying medical conditions include:

  • Cachexia
  • Anorexia
  • Wasting syndrome
  • Severe or chronic pain
  • Severe nausea
  • Seizures
  • Severe or persistent muscle spasms
  • Glaucoma
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Another chronic medical condition which is severe enough and for which other treatments have been ineffective

Business Laws

Vertical integration or “license stacking” is allowed, which means a company can hold multiple licenses across the Maryland supply chain (e.g., both cultivation and dispensary licenses). Residency is not required to apply for a cannabis business license in Maryland.

Note that as of this writing, 102 dispensary licenses are in pre-approval status according to the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission website. Furthermore, the issuance of up to 10 processor and four cultivator licenses is on hold while the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission conducts two investigations into the application process.

License Types

  1. Grower Licenses
  2. Processor Licenses
  3. Dispensary Licenses

License Fees

Grower: $6,000 (Stage 1: $2,000, Stage 2: $4,000) application fee and $125,000 license fee

Processor: $6,000 (Stage 1: $2,000, Stage 2: $4,000) application fee and $40,000 license fee

Dispensary: $5,000 (Stage 1: $1,000, Stage 2: $4,000) application fee and $40,000 license fee

Grower and Dispensary: $11,000 (Stage 1: $3,000, Stage 2: $8,000) application fee and $165,000 license fee

License Timeline

102 dispensary applications are currently in pre-approval status with the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission. In addition, 10 processor and four grower licenses are on hold while two investigations into the application process are ongoing.


Testing is required of all cannabis and cannabis-related products sold in Maryland. Testing labs must pay an Independent Testing Laboratory registration fee of $100 with a $100 annual renewal fee.


Maryland does not require training for license holders or employees.

Learn More about Cannabis in Maryland and How to Work or Start a Business in the Maryland Cannabis Industry

Leafy Green Agency offers a variety of certification seminars for people who want to start businesses, find jobs, get promotions, or invest in the cannabis industry in Maryland and across the country. Follow the link to learn more about our educational seminars.

Sources and More Information

Data current as of 10/25/19.